“Money is coming back into Mining”. That was the sentiment expressed by Andrew Monk, Chief Executive of VSA Capital, as he addressed the Mining Indaba Investment Forum held in Cape Town on Saturday 1st February 2014. At a meeting of Mining Industry chiefs and Mining specialists, Andrew highlighted the growing trend for fund managers to invest in Mining, led initially by the generalist funds. In addition, VSA Capital was seeing the increasing influence of trading houses as sources of capital. “With more stable markets and 2013 behind us, the trends for mining investment and funding are overall positive. It is particularly interesting to see a growing interest among investors in technology metals, especially tungsten, lithium and zinc” said Andrew Monk. VSA Capital is represented by a team of Mining specialists at Indaba this year: Andrew Monk, Chief Executive (amonk@vsacapital.com); Paul Renken, Senior Geologist and Mining Analyst (prenken@vsacapital.com); and Andrew Raca, Head of Corporate Finance (araca@vsacapital.com)
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